Sunday, May 25, 2008


How did it happen that I have so much stuff to do and so little time to do it?

I have been working pretty steady of late, and that has been nice, but stuff has piled up at home that needs addressing. The lawn desperately needs mowing, I have a pile of lumber that needs burning, tools and some kind of debris field all over the driveway, and a house that needs cleaning. And it's nice out and I'd really like to go fishing.

I haven't had much of a day off in a while, and it would be really nice to just spend some time drowning worms in a brook. I think what I will do today is this: I will mow the lawn. I will shower off the grass clippings and such, and then we will go fishing. We'll find a nice spot that will let L sit fairly often so as not to aggravate her back too much and we will fish. There is a nice little trout stream not too far from here that I've been wanting to check out.

It's a beautiful day. It seems a sin to waste it working. So, for today, I will work briefly, then play. Happy Sunday, all.

1 comment:

MRMacrum said...

It was indeed too good a day to waste. I reversed the flow from your plan. Played first and then out on the slopes with my monster 22" swath cutting behemoth. Managed to get half the yard and then sat down satisfied I had given this day everything I had to give.

Hope the fish were biting. SOme brookies for supper or even better, breakfast is hard to beat.