Monday, August 4, 2008

Rain, rain, go away!

This rain is killing me.

Today I got up on my scaffold and began scraping the crown molding (?!) under and behind the drip edge. I was wearing my OSHA-approved harness and lanyard, secured to mostly-kosher tie-off points and wearing my safety glasses and steel-toed shoes. I was a ridiculous thing to look at I am sure, but I was safe. I worked my way from right to left along the length of the scaffold until I got to the end by the addition roof.

Lacking wings, I had to make a platform to stick out there from the scaffold onto the roof so that I could have a safe place to stand. Fine. Down I came with all my gear, to saw up a couple of planks to make a nice sturdy platform. I drilled some holes so that I can run some tie-wire through and around the staging pipes so that nothing runs away while I am out there standing on it. And then I went to the hardware store to get some wire and few odds and ends.

I came back, suited up, put my goodies in a pail to be lifted up to my work platform, tied the bucket to the rope hung there for that purpose, and the skies opened up and poured.

I have truly had enough of this. It seems like every time I get close to accomplishing something, it rains and I have to stop. My new (old) truck is in the garage, awaiting some kind of expensive repairs so that it can become mine, and I don't have the cash to have them done. I have a free truck. All I need is to do the repairs, and I can't afford it because of this damned rain. Grr.

What I really need this week is a couple of cellar clean-outs. Two days each of grunting and toting and hauling of crap, mostly indoors, to a dumpster in the yard. That would be beautiful. Is it going to happen? Not likely. When the sun comes out, maybe, I'll get six calls for that stuff. For now, though, I work around the raindrops and hope the front finally passes through so I can do some work. Sigh.


Carlita said...

I pity the poor blueberry rakers. I remember the days of getting caught in a rain shower and then raking in wet clothes and shoes the whole rest of the day. Not fun!

BTW, I wanted to let you know I made my blog private today because I got a couple of hits from CBS and it freaked me out. If you're interested in continuing to read it, send me an email (carla_ganiel at hotmail dot com) and I'll add you as one of the privileged few (I need your email address to add you). Otherwise, I'll make it public again after the application process is over with.

Anonymous said...

Please, God please, send the rain this way. We are dying here drought-wise. There was a grass fire south of me, near a good friend's house, some 45 miles away, and I could see the smoke from my backyard. We haven't had more than light sprinkles in many weeks. :(
That said, hope you get some calls for cellar clearing. God knows I could have used the help shoveling out the boys' rooms today! LOL!

MRMacrum said...

I hear ya Dawn. It ain't any better south of you. Yesterday was good. Lis and I managed to have a day in the woods without rain.