We've got a batch of poor weather coming through today. Rain and wind and general nastiness out of the south-soutwest. Blowin' a gale out there right now in fact.
My sweetie and I are having a quiet Sunday morning. We slept in a little bit, then I made popovers and coffee for breakfast. We've got to do the grocery shopping at some point, but thus far we are both still in our flannel pajamas and in no hurry to put on clothes that need to be buttoned, fastened or tied.
Our little dog Quinn is lazier every day of her life than we are on Sundays. At precisely 11:49 a.m. today, she yawned, stretched, shook her ears and crawled out from beneath the covers where she sleeps near our feet. She climbed down out of bed, wandered into the dining nook, yawned twice more and looked up at L. Well, she kind of looked up. Her eyes were not entirely open yet. And she leaned dangerously to one side as though she might fall over.
Quinn wakes up very, very slowly.
L picked her up and the little pooch curled gladly into the pose you see here and snoozed for another half hour. I wish I could have such a schedule, even on one day a week, never mind her rigorous regimen of seven days a week. Wake up when I feel like it, wander out toward breakfast, cuddle into L for another half hour, hit the bathroom and then climb back into bed. Humph.
Talk about a dog's life.
Popovers and a lazy weekend morning with someone you love sounds utterly devine.
That's what Stub does to me when I am watching Football on Sunday afternoon. She will no longer sit on the couch with me though when I am watching the news. I guess I yell at the Tube too much.
Our Sunday ride looked like it was going to a washout. But once again, following the rule that it is always better to ride than not, the sun broke free and temps went into the low 60s before we were half way though. Creek crossings in the swollen streams were wet, but all in all a beautiful morning after all down here in the pan handle.
Ahh...the dog's life. ;) Even when we have a lazy weekend morning, it's not terribly lazy. Maybe again someday.
There was this dog in my neighborhood which had a wall mounted fan. Which was switched on 24/7.
I did virtually nothing all weekend. The weather is unseasonably nice right now, and Mrs. Snave and I went out for a country drive and came upon two ruffed grouse in the road, creeping along through yellow leaves. They stood perfectly still, thinking that would make them hidden from us. It gave us plenty of time to get out the bird guide and make a positive ID!
We spent a lot of time at home reading, stitching, massaging our very large young male cat Zeke, our bony old 14-year-old cat Mackie, our 15-year old tabby Abby, and our vivacious 1-year-old female black cat Zeva (who would rather play "fetch" with us with her pom-pom than be massaged).
We also captured our parakeets and clipped their toenails. A word to the wiser-than-me: if you should ever undertake such a thing, wear gloves. The first bird, Tweetledum, was very mellow... but Birdlington left me with some blackish bruises and puncture marks! I didn't think Mrs. Snave was going to stop laughing!
Weekends are the best, especially when spent with those you love.
VERY cute dog, BTW Dawn!!
The weather here has been beautiful for the last month.
I hope that it holds for a bit longer so I can get some more storage done.
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