Sunday, July 27, 2008


Somehow, this morning I don't have anything gripping to write about. I may still be wiped out from last weekend's Big Gay Event, and coupled with the pedophile story I posted Thursday, I could just possibly be emotionally exhausted. Just maybe.

Today seems like a good stay in and read a book kind of day. I've got a particularly nerdy book that I am reading: Life in Newburyport 1900-1950 by Jean Foley Doyle. I have the distinct benefit of being from a town with a very rich cultural and political history. Much of what I know of my town is mostly passed down legends of larger-than-life characters who populate the place when my parents were kids.

This book is a chronological compilation of newspaper notes, mayoral speeches, police and court reports and personal recollections. Far from being a dry, dull recitation of facts and dates, it gives character to the places I have known for a lifetime, and depth to my understanding of how and why they came to be who and what they are today. I expect I will mow the lawn at some point today, but that is all I plan to do that is actually work-like.

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