Monday, March 29, 2010

weekend in the big city

I went to Portland Saturday for a big fancy awards banquet put on by Equality Maine. It was indeed a big, fancy event. There were some 660 people there, including the honorees. My State Senator, Dennis Damon got the super-duper political award because he was the guy who sponsored the marriage equality bill, and a guy named Jimmy who does AIDS outreach got an award, and the Religious Coalition for Marriage Equality got an award. One of the people who made a speech accepting that award is a faculty member at the seminary where I hope to begin classes. He was very inspiring, even to the non-religious in the room. I think some of my friends got a clearer understanding of why I want to go into ministry now after hearing Marvin Ellison speak.

I got to accept an award on behalf of the volunteers of Hancock County. My friend Kay is still recovering from back surgery and could not make the trip, so I got the honor. I marched up on the stage with about 10 other similar honorees, the executive director said some nice things about each of us and what we'd done, we got a framed award and a hug from Dee and filed off the stage on the other side. The lights were blinding, but it was nice to be recognized for the hard work we did.

It was also nice to be among the politicians and political hacks that make the process of democracy work. There were Congresspeople (both of Maine's reps were there. I refrained from insulting Mike, and thanked Chellie for all her work), state senators and representatives, mayors, city councilors, lobbyists, candidates, and the people who work for and against them all. I got to see some old friends, was introduced to some key people who I will want/need to know in my future in ministry, and generally had a good time. When it was over, the EQME leadership retired to the hotel bar, and I was invited to join them. That was neat. Later I headed down the street to the local gay bar with some friends and we hung around there feeling very, very old until last call, at which point a friend gave me a ride back to my friend's house where I lay myself down on the couch and collapsed.

I remember a time when I could have done that stuff every night of the week. Or every weekend. I woke up feeling like I'd been dragged behind some large piece of equipment along a bumpy road. I was exhausted all day. I drove myself home and crawled into bed. This morning I am not sure if I am recovered. I am up, I am drinking coffee, and I plan to get dressed and go to work, but oof. I have officially reached the status of "old fart" I think. Damn.


MRMacrum said...

Tripping the light fantastic and then facing the Life realistic the next morning has definitely gotten tougher to do over the years. But calling yourself an "old fart" seems rather harsh. Mature might be a kinder way to put it.

Queenie said...

old fartness is a wonderful stage of life...embrace!