Musings and collected bits of prose of a middle-aged genderqueer minister engaged in a personal search for truth and meaning while educating the world about relationships, love, and sexual justice.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
A story in three chapters
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2 (with notation).
Chapter 3.
The end.
LOL! Rosie is the same way...but is too big for our shoulder! God love her...if we ever turn on the fireplace we'll never get her away from it! LOL
Love the prints in the snow, all of them...Emma had to be PUSHED out the door this morning and accomplished her deeds in record time! Poor little ones - their feet are so tiny that they freeeeeeeeze!
And those cookies? Save the picture and take orders next year - you could make all your Christmas money plus. I'm putting in my order now.
These are the ramblings of a middle-aged genderqueer Unitarian Universalist minister in perpetual formation. I write about life, politics, church, religion, spirituality (those are three separeate things), as well as sex, relationships and justice. I hold the world and myself to unreasonably high standards. You might not like that. It happens.
LOL! Rosie is the same way...but is too big for our shoulder! God love her...if we ever turn on the fireplace we'll never get her away from it! LOL
Aww such a cutey! Those little eyes of her would completely melt my heart.
Love the prints in the snow, all of them...Emma had to be PUSHED out the door this morning and accomplished her deeds in record time! Poor little ones - their feet are so tiny that they freeeeeeeeze!
And those cookies? Save the picture and take orders next year - you could make all your Christmas money plus. I'm putting in my order now.
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