How does she breathe? It makes no sense.
In celebration of what we in recovery call "amateur night" I'm making double chocolate raspberry cheesecake for this evening's dessert. We plan to celebrate the Scottish New Year, which falls at the utterly civilized time of about 7 p.m. Eastern. Much more sensible than staying up until midnight in the middle of the freakin' winter.
Oh, and I'll have pictures and the recipe when the cheesecake is done. It smells yummy!
The material and weave are porous enough to allow a sufficiently mature respiratory system to draw enough air through them not to suffocate.
Immature respiratory system is the reason you DON'T let newborns sleep on their tummies.
/end nerd
Happy New Year - we're staying home, and your plan sounds even more sane than ours. But as today (10 pm on the button) is my daughter's 5th birthday we can't pre-empt her b-day dinner/cake with a "Greenwich Mean Time New Year".
I hope you wrap up 2008 happily and prosper in 2009.
Bull's answer is better... I was just going to say "puppy magic."
Happy NY!
Seeing her like that makes me try and breathe harder. Good grief. But that ear of hers sticking up is priceless. Have a Happy New Year! Here's to health and happiness in 2009!
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