Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oh, Happy Day!

I am up this morning, drinking my coffee and feeling the sun warm my face as I sit at my kitchen table. The day is cold and clear, but not bitter and there is very little wind. It is a beautiful January day.

In just over an hour we will go to the local pizza/movie house, The Reel Pizza Cinerama, for a live broadcast of the inauguration. We will be surrounded by friends and activists whom we have come to know in the past year.

As you probably know, I am a white pagan lesbian woman of Irish descent. Translation: I have no rhythm or sense of music beyond some ancient chants. For me, my spiritual connection is on the solitary, silent and contemplative side. But I do appreciate and enjoy the joy expressed in black Christian churches in America. I poached this clip directly from Karen Zip Drive over at Pulp Friction. I hope she doesn't mind. I can't think of a better way to celebrate today. When I watched it at her site, the tears flowed down my face. I think I'll be bringing some tissues with us to the theater. This is indeed a happy day.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you have no rhythm. But at least you have joy! It is a happy day!

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

I am a white pagan feminist in the Silicon Valley who grew up in the 'brubs... so yeah, I feel you.

But I love gospel music. LOVE it with a passion and though no one understands, I crank it loud and proud and sing along while I clean my house or run on the treadmill.

OH Happy Day.